The 2013-2014 financial year ends beautifully for the Ambassadors of the AGF Group Foundation who work in Longueuil. We were indeed very proud this year to hand out, through the AGF Group Foundation, the sum of $2,417.80 to two local organizations selected by the employees.
What comes out of our first experience as Ambassadors is that, regardless of the amount collected through any given activity, no matter how small it is, the final impact is always significant. By organizing several activities such as the sale of goods baked by employees, draws for hockey tickets, half and half draws, and summer BBQs, we are able to give to l’Association de parents de l’enfance en difficulté ($1,500) and Les Maisons Familiales par Amour ($917.80), substantial sums that will greatly benefit their work.
Let us recall that the AGF Group Foundation has no administrative charges, meaning that all the money collected goes directly to the people who really need it. In addition, the AGF Group Foundation supports any fund raising activity organized by the employees by doubling the amount collected, up to $500, and it delivers! The Foundation added $500 to the $1,917.80 $ collected by the Longueuil employees.
In conclusion, thanks to everyone’s contribution, we almost reached our set objective of $2,500.
You do not have the time to get involved as an Ambassador? No problem! You can be a one-day Ambassador, proposing and organizing an activity to collect funds. It is with everyone’s help that we accomplish great things, and embrace the mission of the AGF Group Foundation: caring for the community.
AGF Steel Ambassadors
Jenica Constantin, Joëlle Meloche, Maria-Eugenia Nunez, Mélanie Boutin, Stéphane Noël