Historically, the first months of the year are quiet for most of AGF’s Access outlets in Quebec. Things usually pick up by the end of March, and are up and running by early April.
We noticed, however, that it was a little different in 2011, and even more so this year, with increases of nearly 100% in the overall use (rental) of our equipment, compared to 2010.
We also saw this phenomenon among our teams of erectors. In the past, only a third of them were on the job during this period. This year, the entire team of about 30 people is already hard at work.
This increase is due to several large contracts, including renovations at Complexe Desjardins, Casino de Montréal and the University of Montreal, as well as work on the Turcot interchange and construction of the new Planetarium.
With this busy start to the season, there is every indication that we have an exceptional year in store. We will all be called upon to play a key role in achieving our objectives for health and safety, profitability and customer satisfaction.
Here’s to a great season!